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Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 6 (1.1) The Problem
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 6 (1.1) The Problem
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
The Problem This first essay is composed of four sections that are as follows: 1.1. The Problem: Divisions, Baptism and the Cross (1:10-16) 1.2. The Wisdom and Power of God: The Cross (1:17–2:2) 1.3. The Wisdom of God: Revealed Through the Spirit (2:3-16) 1.4. Christian Unity: Pa
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 10 Christian Unity Paul, Apollos and Cephas as One
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
Christian Unity Paul is now ready to present the fourth section of the first essay. The outline of the whole is The Cross and Christian Unity (1:10–4:16) The Problem: Divisions, Baptism and the Cross (1:10-16) The Wisdom and Power of God: The Cross (1:17–2:2) The Wisdom of God: R
Mark for Everyone - The Request of James and John
Mark for Everyone - The Request of James and John
by SPCK - N T Wright
Mark For Everyone MARK 10.32–45 The Request of James and John... ...What comes to mind first when you think of the crucifixion of Jesus? Perhaps you think of going to church and singing well- known hymns: ‘There is a green hill far away’, or ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’. Pe
Learning from the Baptism of Jesus
Learning from the Baptism of Jesus
by Colin Smith
This reflection/sermon (900 words) considers a number of understandings of the Baptism of Jesus. The possibility that it could, at least partially, be allegorical is examined, and conclusions drawn. How such a consideration can have a devotional and lifestyle impact is suggested.
Baptism Symbols 1
Baptism Symbols 1
by Lindsay Kemp
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
Baptism Symbol
Baptism Symbol
by Lindsay Kemp
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- • Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) • Insert as Picture in the normal way. • If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in
by Rachel Marsh
TIP- PowerPoint Slide Size- The ideal way to insert into PowerPoint is:- Reduce the image size to 1024x768 pixels using your image editing software. (Will reduce image proportionally) Insert as Picture in the normal way. If needed fill the slide area by placing the image in the t
How God Became King - 10e Temple, Kingdom and Cross
How God Became King - 10e Temple, Kingdom and Cross
by SPCK - N T Wright
Temple, Kingdom and Cross One particular symbol stood high above all others in first-century Palestinian Judaism. Indeed, it stood proudly upon a hill, where it could not be hidden. The Temple in Jerusalem was not simply a ‘religious’ building in our modern sense or even in the s
God is not partial
God is not partial
by Andrew Pratt
Epiphany 1 year A Isaiah 42: 1-9; Acts 10: 34-43 Matthew 3: 13-17 Hymn: God is not partial God is not partial, calls all the people, builds up the broken, comforts the frail, raises the fallen, walks with the outcast, loves without limits, love will not fail... Andrew Pratt (bo
Baptism (painting)